Natural Appetite Regulators For Weight Management
So there you are, just made a decision to eat healthy, and then bam! Your favorite junk food presents itself as you walk along and see that donuts place. The impact is deep. You keep thinking about it. All of a sudden, it’s the most important food in the world. Nothing else matters, nothing just can’t seem to take its place. You have to have that sweet stuff of refined flour, refined sugar, and the trans fat that composes about half of your baked goods. You know you just ate so you can’t really be physiologically hungry. You know this is something else. And you’re right. It’s one of the most vicious enemies of dieters, weight watchers, and a lot of people dealing with metabolic disorders. It’s called cravings.
Fortunately for us, we can fight this, and in its own terms. There are a lot of food and drinks that we can take to suppress unhealthy cravings, giving us an upper hand in maintaining our ideal weight and ultimately, our health. Here are some of natural appetite regulators:
Eggs (boiled). They are ready form of available proteins, and thus, supply lots of energy with minimum waste of fuel. One large egg provides practically 2-3 grams of protein, and thus, satisfies about 50% of our daily requirement. They also have an excellent quality of Superoxide dismutase (S.O.D), an anti-oxidant which reduces the oxygen damage inside the body.
Orange juice. It is a clear liquid which is very beneficial for the body. It does not contain any calories, and is very rich in vitamin C and other detoxifying substances. The natural presence of polyphenols (antioxidant) in the fruit ensures a good protection against cardiovascular disease and bone loss. They are also a great source of vitamin A.
Fish. These contain lots of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which help build a strong immune system, and prevent many diseases. The omega 3s does not allow the body to absorb cholesterol and prevents it from becoming toxic. The 6 fatty acids assist in helping blood circulate more oxygen, and hence, keeps the body fit.
Dark green leafy vegetables. These are high in vitamin C, potassium, iron and calcium. All these items are important for improving the immune system.
Yogurt. There are so many different types of yogurt, the best one being the strained yogurt. The beneficial enzymes are found in the strained yogurt, which offers you the opportunity to eat foods that are tasty, but will not harm your stomach.
Nuts and seeds. Greens are a great source of dietary fiber and several vitamins and minerals. The seeds also contain many oils, which are good for your skin and hair.
Oatmeal. This is highly appreciated for its superb quality of carbohydrate, which is good for the body. It is also very useful in aiding digestion and is a good source of manganese for women.
Beets. This is an excellent choice for vegetarians as well. It is high in complex carbohydrates and is a good source of iron, copper and magnesium for the body.
Sweet potatoes. They are high in carotene and vegetable protein. Carotene is a powerful antioxidant, which eliminate toxins from the body and is a great source of vitamin A.
Kiwi fruits. They are high in nutritional power and are a good source of vitamin A, B & C for the body. The kiwi fruits are also known to help cure asthma.
Berries. This is an excellent source of vitamin C, B & E, calcium, iron and potassium for the body. These berries come in a variety of colors and varieties such as the pink grape, which is high in vitamin C. The blueberries have more vitamin C than any other berries.
Trail Mix. These are packaged together and used as a trail mix by the National Wild Turkey Federation. They contain a combination of wild turkey, fatback and sockeye tomes.
Is it a good idea to use turkey meat in a considerable amount of dishes? There are several delectable turkey meat dishes, and you may even find yourself trying something new for the first time. For instance, try a cranberry riceaffle; a silky-smoothie; or a salmon salad.