How To Make A Cannoli Like You Find In Italian Restaurants
If you love ordering a cannoli in your favorite Italian restaurants, you may want to try and make them at home. This pastry goes back all the way to the early 19th century in Sicily, where it was chiefly made during carnival celebrations. It didn’t really gain widespread popularity until the 1940s, when people throughout Europe began to discover it. Shortly thereafter, it became popular in the United States and a staple in throughout the rest of the world.
Making cannoli takes a little bit of preparation, but you’ll probably find that the work is worth it once you have a taste of the finished product. First, you’ll need three cups of flour, four tablespoons of sugar, and a quarter-cup of soft butter. You’ll also need two tablespoons each of vinegar and ice water, some aluminum cannoli tubes, frying oil, three cups of ricotta cheese (or whatever your preferred filling may be), and one-and-a-half cups of white sugar.
Take the sugar, butter, vinegar, and ice water and put all of the ingredients in a mixing bowl. Use an electric mixer fitted with a dough attachment and set it to medium speed for about 10 minutes. You’ll need to occasionally stop and scrape the bowl to make sure the dough is smooth.
Next, put some flour on a flat surface and turn out the dough. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and then roll it into a large rectangle. You’ll want to fold it and then cover it with plastic wrap. Leave the dough in your refrigerator for at least two hours before you form your cannoli. Actually, the longer you leave it in the refrigerator, the better. You might even want to wait 24 hours until you take it out.
Once you take out the dough, you’ll then want to heat your frying oil at 365 degrees. Use either a deep fryer or a deep skillet. Put some flour on a surface and then gently roll the dough in circles around the cannoli tubes. Fry the tubes until the dough is flaky and golden. Take them out and let them cool on a rack for a few minutes. Then, gently twist and coax the tubes to remove them.
If you are using ricotta or cream cheese in your cannoli, drain it first so it won’t be runny. Put the tubes and Ricotta or Cream Cheese back in the refrigerator for at least an hour before you serve.
Turks are traditionally stuffed with meat, rice and vegetables. Cannoli are traditionally eaten with tangy red sauce and white cheese. Tofu lovers use silken tofu for the filling. silken tofu
This is a traditional Italian dessert so making it could be a little difficult, but if you fry a few cans of popped corn, it’s delicious. Pop corn in oil and drain before adding the corn kernels. Add the drained corn kernels to the already heated oil and toss to coat well. Add a little salt and pepper to taste. Fry 4-6 minutes for 2-3 minutes depending on the heat of the pan. Remove and place in a bowl. Pour melted butter over the fried corn.
Italian Sausage and Peppers
1 package dry cured ham2 green onions, chopped1 pound peperoncini mushrooms, sliced1 cup peeled and sliced bananas, sliced1/4 cup dried porcini mushrooms, sliced1 cup shredded truffles
Combine ham, onions and peas in a bowl. Cover with at least 2-3 Tbs. melted butter. Remove ham and place in an oven proof pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place paper moistened with cornmeal. Place in oven and cook in 350 degrees. turns depending on pan.
Add remaining ingredients to pan. Heat and cook for an additional 30 minutes or until the cheese is golden and the side are flaky. You can tell when it’s done when it has caramelized on the top.
This recipe is great for those rainy summer nights when it might be a little chilly outside. It’s quick, easy and healthy. Try it for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s great with a nice glass of milk and some toast.
History of Pizza
The first mention of anything appearing on a pizza is in the book of Genesis by the Jewish Talmud. Some food writer or another believed that this appearing on a pizza was a devil’s trap. However, modern miracles do make people believe that pizza is really a healthy person food today.
Today, pizza can be considered one of the greatest nutritional foods you can eat. Because of its main ingredients, pizza is considered a low fat food. That means that it has to be a favorite of people of all ages. Today, pizza is still enjoyed as a fun, healthy meal.