What Are Oligosaccharides?

When we think of sugar, we most often think of that white, granular substance we sweeten our coffee, tea, and wonder how it could be that addictive. But how relevant is sugar really is to your health and physique? To understand the real effects of sugar and how it affects your body, we must really get down to the basics of what is going on in the body. Namely, the process of 118 kids in the state of Minnesota gets addicted to sugar. It is then mass-produced by the Dairy Industry through Artificial Flavoring. Artificial flavoring can be done in hydrogenated oils as well as sucralose and other derivatives. What does this mean for your health?

The primary effects of sugar are that it gives us an energy spasm that last a long time; it is a problem for the pancreas since the production of insulin is not efficient at the levels we see now; and the more you eat it, the more your pancreas works. This causes the People’s Healthately named Syndrome X. Sugar also lowers your ability to absorb other nutrients in the digestive system. You all know someone with SAD (Standard American Diet) right? If they can be deprived of pasta, rice, bread, milk, cheesecake for an extended period of time, they can be symptom for months or even years. As an adult, they may be able to lead a relatively healthy life but countless others cannot.

food photography of fried meat on blue plate

It’s not that sugar is so easily available. Any product that is packaged, transported and has a pharmacy sign is sweetened. These include everything from sugar-filled sodas, cereals, breads, peanut butter, ketchup, spaghetti sauces, canned fruits and vegetables, ketchup, and thousands of others.

Some of the oldest known sweeteners date back more than 4,500 years ago. 750,000 B.C. Manaseyton traces were found in Egypt while about 600 B.C. Glycerine ingredients were discovered in plant skins in about 150 B.C. Carbonated rice soda was discovered in Japan in 18abet 1400 A.D. Glycerine and sorbitol were considered by the Spanish government as early as 1519. In 1929, compounds like sorbitol and glycerine were used to make soft drink coolers.

Byronison refers to the last name of theorphanthanene, a relatively new phenolic compound abundant since the 1960’s. In the U.S., the compound is used as the active ingredient in numerous ice cream formulas.

HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) and other sugars like it are known to produce metabolic problems such as insulin resistance which compelling evidence suggests that it may be a factor in the development of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and coronary heart disease. Increased body weight gain is also one of the more likely effects in those consuming sugar sweetened products.

Health Effects of the Much-maligned Sweetener HFCS:

O Sugar-sweetened soft drinks (particularly non-natural fruit juices) contribute to weight gain, obesity, and are a major risk factor for diabetes, stroke, and many cardiac related diseases.

O Your risk for tooth decay is increased because bacteria in the mouth reverses the normal process and becomes established in the tooth providing a breeding ground for cavities and gum disease.

O Diet soft drinks are no more beneficial than regular soft drinks. They actually have as much as a seven percent lower risk of making a person a victim of tooth decay.

O Drink lots of water. Avoid carbonated beverages. simplicity and quality are better made direct from the tap using reverse osmosis water than from the colas.

O Carbonated beverages produce by-products like acetic acid, a toxin that can damage the nervous system.

O Avoid products containing artificial sweeteners. They tricks the body into craving for even more sugar.

O Coffee and tea that has been hot, for example, does not help with satiety. Sugar reduces the appetite.

O Refined sugars do not provide any fiber. Starch from whole grain products is fiber rich. Natural fructose from unprocessed fruits or from whole grains is the better choice.

O Sugar can produce an imbalance in the acid/alkaline of the body. This problem affects the blood stream, heart, kidneys, pancreas, and the central nervous system.

O Too much sugar consumption is linked to mineral deficiency, lead toxicity, hypoglycemia, diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers.

O Sugar is the major cause of systemic acidosis.

O Calcium absorption is decreased with the use of sugar.

O Phosphoric acid oxidizes Calcium.

O Potassium deficiency and loss is also associated with sugar use.

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