We Are Living Longer, But Are We Living Better?

Scientists tell us that life expectancy in the Western world is now edging up into the eighties and by the year 2020 there may well be more than 400,000 centenarians in the United States. It would appear we are living longer, but many question whether we are living better.

Let’s look at longevity now. According to the World Health Organization we are living longer, but many question whether we are living better these days.

round red fruits

There are various indicators to our good health, such as infant mortality, medication prescriptions, fat and sugar consumption, even chemicals in our homes, cars, clothes, around our homes and in our food. And that’s just what everyone has access to.

Investigations by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration show that our bodies are exposed to more than 2000 chemicals and 5,000 new chemicals are introduced every four years.

We are now finding that many chemicals in our environment and personal care products could cause cancer. The government has issued a health advisory with pregnant women and children, telling them to stay away from certain products because of the high presence of some of the toxic chemicals.

So what can we do now?

We can start by gardening. Many of the vegetables that are available have been genetically modified by man, or are the result of studies with animals. Even when an organic vegetable product does not contain added chemicals, it is not totally organic. Beware of imported products as they may have been treated with chemicals at their processing facility, thus they are not entirely organic.

Food processing is another area in which we can make better choices. The reduction of additives and preservatives can help make a difference. Whenever possible, choose food manufacturing companies that use minimally processed ingredients. Even though a lot of the food we consume is processed, it is highly processed by companies who add things to it to make it last longer on the shelf.

Every step of food processing should be RAPIDLY identified.

Next, choose RAPIDLY. There is no more efficient way to ingest with your body, what it requires to RAPIDLY transmit the nutrition you need to your cells, than by choosing RAPIDLY. Nutrition is NOT what it seems! It’s what your body wants, needs, and needs to stay healthy, but can’t last.

Eating with the seasons, and buying locally grown seasonal produce is best. There are also local farmers markets with a great selection of fresh in season produce. Planning ahead, is crucial to avoid the surprises when stores flood the market with what is there and at what price. Many of the “organic” fruits and vegetables may not be organic at all. There was a farmer’s market recently where I saw strawberries, only to discover they were pesticide sprayed.

We are purchasing what is convenient for us, and to supply our families with what is readily available. It’s a decision we make for ourselves.

Inexpensive and easy choices like choosing from a variety of colorful and full of flavor fruits and vegetables, can also help the local farmers. I’m cheering for them as we support our local farmers.

Having your local farmers market is also part of your “inks” in making wise food choices. We can learn about the farmers and their families in our area through Sustainable Table.

Unfortunately, the bulk of the “inks” we make for ourselves is learned behavior, which means we have to be consistent. For example, I know I will never spend the day without a multi-vitamin and mineral as a part of my day’s worth of nourishment.

Having consistent habits in other areas of your life that benefit you will help you make decisions which will make you feel accomplished and healthy, which makes it all worthwhile.

Remember, your goals should help you feel attainable within the next day or two. Agchieving your goals will be something you can accomplish in a day or two, not something you are going to do forever. Make small changes and gradually help yourself to make better choices which help you to stay healthy and fit in life.

I found that making slower changes to my diet, which included more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and essential fats, helped me to feel my best, provide my body with the nutrition it needed, which caused me to want to stay on track. Remember, you can accomplish your health goals today, by doing it right, making your health YOUR priority. No one else can do it for you.

strawberries in brown woven basket

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