The Essential Nutrition Carbohydrates Food List
Because of the many different low carbohydrate diets that have been introduced to the marketplace, many people believe that carbohydrates should be considered as the number one enemy in the universal longing to lose weight universal number one enemy. But this might be where we have gone wrong. No matter what system you are using to try to lose those unwanted pounds, carbohydrates should never be considered as the enemy. Let me explain why.
Carbohydrates are the bodies major energy source for your typical activities. Your body can use carbohydrates right away injected right into the system by many different options, such as your muscles, your brain, your central nervous system, and almost every body organ. Without carbohydrates your body simply wouldn’t have the energy to do its usual routines.
The role that carbohydrates played in our bodies early on has been Solidly established by modern scientists. Carbohydrates during the days of Hippocrates were considered the best energy source for the body. Even before the discovery of the periodic table of elements, which introduced the term ‘Carbohydrates’, people were aware that plant carbohydrates generally provide a more convenient source of energy than meat, which is consumed by animals.
The roles of Carbohydrates in our bodies, from the very early times, have been recognized by almost everyone. Many acknowledged the fact that during the several million year period that the human race has been on the planet, the human species has been consuming between 20 and 30 percent of its total daily calories from Food Carbohydrates. But Hippocrates, the father of medicine, soon recognized that most of the diseases that he diagnosed as being caused by the lack of carbohydrates in the diet were actually the result of people not making sufficient use of their unique Carbohydrates.
Galen labeled carbohydrates, “substances that are capable of being digested by the body” and “substances which are used by the body as fuel” was recognized as being important to human health. Almost 25 years later, Carbs had been recognized as being important to one’s diet, and people were given administration of some form of carbohydrates at almost every meal.
In most people’s diets, meals that supply more than 50 percent of their calories from carbohydrates usually have several grams of fiberequally important.
Carbohydrates are broken down into other categories of foods, subgrouping them as:
Most people’s diets do not contain enough fiber. Recent reports indicate that almost 60 percent of American’s population is lacking in the fiber (both soluble and insoluble) legume category.
Carbohydrates are a best source of energy in your diet. The more energy you have, the more you want.
They are also subgrouped into sugars, starch, and fiber.
Dietaryfiber- Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts,and legumes are all sources of dietary fiber. They are indigestible foods with few exceptions, meaning that your body cannot break them down into smaller pieces that it can then absorb and use. Fiber is extremely necessary for good health; it is essential to the digestive process, and cannot be produced by your body.
Cellulose – Most of the fiber (seed and grain) in foods is made of this complex sugar. Even though you are getting the best benefits from eating whole grains, some foods that are refined to make flour are not a very good source of fiber, and they leave you feeling hungry even though you ate a large portion.
Lignins – These natural plant chemicals are found in plants and are responsible for many of their health benefits. Whole grains have more lignins than refined grains do.
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Polyphenols – The health-promoting properties of foods are promoted by adding ingredients called polyphenols. Black tea, green tea, and red wine are all rich in polyphenols.
Essential minerals and trace elementsEating right helps the body to get these essential minerals and trace elements. Fruits and vegetables that are grown in mineral-rich soils retain these nutrients and are a good source of our mineral needs.
SummaryThey are a vital part of any healthy diet and good nutritional cook book. By including more fruits and vegetables in your diet, you are less likely to suffer many of the serious illnesses that affigate people in developed countries today. Eating healthy is part of fashion, and it is becoming a very fashionable thing to do.