The Dangers Of Pesticides

DDT (dichloro-trichloro-ethane) is one pesticide that has been unquestionably labeled ” Legend” for its contribution to cancer deaths and even cancer lawsuits. This pesticide, which was the subject of many legitimate studies beginning in the 1960’s, is one of the most abundant in the world and remains today to be found in vast quantities in various places around the globe.

Studies conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found that DDT was one of the primary causes of cancer and birth defects in exposed animals. The organization added that more than half of all cancers in humans are linked to the consumption of pesticides, and a recent report stated that an average American eats 23 pounds of pesticides every year.

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The high DDT levels in U.S. drinking water have been linked to an increase in certain types of cancer, particularly liver, kidney and nervous system cancers, as well as anemia and Alzheimer’s disease. Plus, DDT is shown to contribute to early puberty in children and ADHD in many teens.

DDT is especially harmful to the poor and colorades because of its attack on the vitamin A and carotenoids (which are an anti-oxidant which helps preserve the brain). DDT creates an acid environment in the body, which makes the kidneys less effective at removing toxins from the body. More often than not, it can lead to painful and permanent kidney stones.

Again, the elderly – the white blood cells and other immune cells functions are diminished due to lack of antioxidants, and chlorine plays a part in that as well – so both these things work in the body to work against the body’s best interests.

It’s also equally important to consider that DDT contributes toconcerting repeatphenothylaminuria(H.pylori), a protein loss condition affecting about half of all newborns.


Aspartameuses. The human body is made up of two cells, one white and one brown, and they are different from the liver and the brain in this respect. In aspartame’s case, the two types of cells are not able to work together and can actually increase the chance of cancer. In children, a build up of the chemical compounds found in aspartameealize the nervous system and cause migraines.

Ussy Energy

This energy drink really reaches for the gusto. One of the ingredients is caffeine, and while the rest of the ingredients try to encourage you to keep going, the caffeine can trick your body into thinking it’s getting plenty of vital energy and is thus much more effective for you.

But with all the stimulants out there, it’s easy to see why you might be losing muscle mass along with a few other risk factors such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. And why you might be feeling faded and fatigued.

Caffeine can help vitamins and minerals, but the thing to look for is how much is in the drink and whether it contains additives.

Some energy drinks contain more caffeine than others. And some have more caffeine than others and some have none at all. The trouble with many of these energy drinks is that they have been increasingly fortified with caffeine over the years. Thus, they work more like regular sodas than nutritional enhancements.

With health problems growing on a massive scale, people are looking for alternatives to help them stave off the aging process, the natural aging process, and even cancer. These alternative sources of aging help people delay the effects of aging much faster and provide many other benefits.

Perhaps you really do require that you take daily supplements to ensure your body is receiving all the vitamins and other supplements you need to ensure optimal health. If you do not, you may be at risk for serious problems. For example, your body could have a hard time absorbing vitamins, therefore you might require higher dosing.

On the other hand, you might be feeling tired and drained and your energy levels are low. You may have reached this stage because of stress.

Everyone has a different nutritional requirement and normal body processes. Regardless of whether you want to purchase vitamins and minerals tablets, powders, and shakes to replace those lost after intense work out, or just to improve your overall health and restore your general well-being, you will certainly find the products to purchase satisfying.

Everyday vitamins and minerals tablets are convenient and effective. Moreover, after having read several books on the benefits of vitamins and minerals, and having satisfied yourself with their benefits, you can now go ahead and stock up on those for a longer and healthier life.

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