The Best Weight Loss Diet

My husband and I are both over Weight.

Over the last year or so I have been trying to lose weight. But I keep falling off the wagon!

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I’m not doing it the “D” word – charts, diets and … of course the wagon.

The thing I have to realize is I am not an expert on dieting and I think the reason for my fall off the wagon is that I lack an understanding of what I like, what works for me and what doesn’t.

There are a lot of people out there who have tried them and don’t like the results – which in my opinion is only a measure of “if” rather than, “because”. Are you like me and are you trying to find the right diet?

What goes on in my head is that I’m constantly asking myself the same question: What’s the one food or meal or number of calories that made my weight increase by 5 points? What food or meals or numbers of calories can I have and still lose weight?

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I’ve tried doing some research on the Internet. I’ve looked at different weight loss programs, tried some fad diets, low-carb, low-fat, no sodium, DOUBLES, calorie shifting, you name it. I think I’ve tried more diet total units than I’ve probably ever tried.

The problem is that at the end of the day, I just don’t want to live my life like that. I like to eat a varied diet of good food, good portions and good times. Hopefully, some of the more crazy “fad diet” ideas will work with variations in our lifestyle. I want variety, but I’m not willing to live on oranges and broccoli for the rest of my life! Does anyone?

I came across the Weight Watcher Program sooner than I was looking for a diet program that would finally help me lose weight. While The Matchbox Cellulite Program is a little more … traditional in its approach, I’m more flexible because I do enjoy a little bit of indulgence at times. I usually just stop for fast food on the way home from work.

When I was looking for the perfect diet program, I was hungry all of the time! I was obsessed with food. I would eat, eat, eat some more. It was a never-ending cycle. I became severely ill with what I believe is a case of severe morbid obesity. My clothes didn’t fit, I was depressed, I felt like I’d failed myself, I felt worthless and I felt ugly. I was there.

Finally, after years of struggle and false promises, they helped me with the purchase of the Glycemic Index Glycemic Load chart. It was a revelation! It was like a bible to me. It educated me on how to eat a balanced diet, what carbohydrates do to the body and then what carbohydrates did good things for my body.

The next four or five years were the most difficult for me. Giving up carbs forever was just plain boring! I didn’t even want to attempt to do it. It was a fallacy!

I was smart enough here to know that a healthy diet is based not only on a balanced diet, but also on regular exercise. It’s not enough to read food labels or to exercise every single day. Are you smart? Have you tried a diet program that hasn’t failed? Be honest!

I do admit that the program did help me lose weight. In fact, I had the advice to write this article, but I am still looking for other ways to lose weight. I’ll be trying one of my own, so that hopefully, one day I can find that magic pill that will literally melt away all of my extra pounds.

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