Is MSG Really Healthy?

Not only is MSG used in many commercial foods but it is also frequently added to many home made or homemade foods. The question is: is MSG really healthy for an infant to eat?

Well, for one it is used in many commercial foods because it enhances the flavor of the food. Have you ever noticed that when you eat home made soup it has a stronger flavor than the one that has MSG? That’s because home made soup doesn’t have the preservatives that factory made products have.

cooked steamed fish on rice inside orange plastic bowl

MSG is basically a formula made up of two amino acids; glutamate and aspartame. It is one of the most powerful substances in the world as far as appetite is concerned. Have you ever noticed that if you have a product with MSG it takes about twenty minutes before your body realises it is full. Oftentimes people will then becomeied that they have eaten too much.

Many people have written to the media asking how safe MSG is for an infant. The media has not reported a single expert who raises any concern about the safety of MSG for an infant.

A friend of mine had a baby a few months ago and found out that he had an addictive personality and lost all control of his functions after one or two days old. This baby was fed with a special drink that included MSG. This is another clue. Could MSG have had this effect on this baby?

My friend did some research and learnt that food flavoring changes the chemistry of the brain and that is how a substance that looks harmless can actually send a message to the brain to be Dangerous.

She also found out that a substance in MSG called L-phenylalanine had an addictive and harmful effect on the brain. She now drinks only pure aspartame and her child is without MSG. She is so thankful to this new and healthier life for her.

So, as you can see, it is really up to you to take any step towards reducing the MSG in your diet. The problem is that a lot of food products have it as a good as good for them and you will have no choice but to pick an aspartame that has been filtered.

To avoid any hassle and expense I’ve created a list of some great aspartame free foods available on the internet.

If you can’t read or you can’t read/understand a particular word I’ve used ellipsis to represent it.

1. Diet Skim Milk that is sold at your local food store is free of MSG.2. Rice Cakes are a low calorie and low carbohydrate snack that are free of MSG.3. You can buy Plain Low Carb Bread without the flavoring that is why I’d recommend this recipe4. Eat Whole Wheat Bread5. Any bread that comes in Brown instead of White6. Any bread/bread that are Grilled instead of Black7. Remember to Read the labels on the various breads, pastas, salad dressings, and non-dairy toppings that you use.

Now that you know of all the free foods I’ve mentioned, here is a small list of my favorites:

1. Herbal teas. Green tea has the most caffeine out of any other beverage but Berry at least has less.

2. Low Calorie soups. Nothing tastes better than a nice bowl of soup on a cold day. Make sure the soups are low calorie so you don’t get your calories and carbohydrates from the other ingredients.

3. Apples. Apples are a great snack. They are filling, acidic, full of fiber, and are free of sugar and carbohydrates.

4. Fat free or low fat Cheese. I never care for the shoestness of commercial cheeses but I do like Gouda & aged cheeses that are low in fat.

5. Okra and Carrots. Okra is a wheat grass and I know it looks disgusting don’t eat it but try getting some in a local health food store and you will be pleasant surprised at how good it tastes. Carrots are high in vitamin A and is a natural cleans for your body.

6. Non hormonal Dairy. Since hormones have been added to diary products in the form of antibiotics, hormones, steroids, and medications pia non- hormonal dairy products are free from any chemicals. You can find non hormonal milk and non-hormone cheeses at a health food store.

7. Tofu. Tofu (tanut butter alternative) tastes good. it’s made from soybeans, which are whole foods. It’s healthy, and tastes. every day. You can also make it into a dip for Servisol yogurt or a cheese spread for bread.

8. Garlic has many health benefits.

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