Foods That Cause High Cholesterol, The Truth About Bad Fats

Those foods high in saturated fats that you sure love will not cause your cholesterol level to rise. That is one of the nice things about being a nutritionist. I love to read all the latest information on health and diet. Recently, there has been a lot of buzz about cholesterol. It has been said that cholesterol is usually in the blood stream. Cholesterol is a fat soluble substance, like saturated fat, in your body, your blood delivers some cholesterol to your cells and liver for metabolism, and sometimes the liver may convert this cholesterol to bile, which may be used in deficiency or excessive amounts.

Over the past few decades there have been many studies trying to link the high incidence of coronary artery disease to cholesterol. The question on everyone’s mind is whether high cholesterol is the cause or the effect of high blood pressure. By removing cholesterol from the diet the most common result is a lowering of blood pressure, also known as the lipid hypothesis.

brussels sprout salad and red tomatoes with fork on table

Reviewing these studies it is pretty clear that the cause of the high blood cholesterol is due to the consumption of foods high in saturated fat and this effect is reversible. The foods that are high in saturated fat are beef, veal, lamb, butter, lard, shellfish, chicken, pork, and the like. The foods that cause high cholesterol are eggs, butter, cheese, margarine, shortening, coconut oil, and the like. These foods contain around 159 kilojoules or 86 grams of cholesterol each piece.

Here is a list of the foods high in saturated fat that can easily be substituted in a low cholesterol diet.

Beef (trimmed of fat) and lard

Beef fat (2 grams particle of fat containing almost 9 grams of fat)

Beef, lamb and pork

Chicken fat (3.5 grams)

Chicken meat (3.5 grams)

Coconuts butter

Corn oil

Dried or fresh beans

Dried lentils


Fresh sardines


Make your own dressings and bake in a small covered dessert tin using sunflower oil. Small amounts of sardines, tuna and salmon are used in most Mediterranean diets.

You can also use monounsaturated oils as in olive oil for cooking and in salad dressings.

Cooking with oils that have a high smoke point, should be done with just a few drops to prevent the formation of free radicals that are so detrimental to health.

Having a glass of red wine, green tea or a cup of coffee for every cup of coffee that you take is part of the Mediterranean diet as well.

One way that you can introduce the Mediterranean diet to your family is to introduce some of its Mediterranean variations with your family over time. Each of the countries in the region has their own versions of the diet, from Italian pasta to Greek yogurt.’), changing a few ingredients can make a world of difference to how you and your family eat.

One recipe idea that can be very beneficial isCheesecake for Five, which can serve five. You will need eight ounces of cheesecake filling, one and a half cups of sugar-free, fat-free yogurt, two large strawberries and eight ounces of graham crackers. Put your cheesecake filling in a bowl in the freezer to be used later and your strawberries, graham crackers and yogurt.

Another idea is Strawberry Fluff, which can be made readily in the blender with several strawberries, a ΒΌ cup frosting and a cup of non-sweetened, fat-free gelatin.

Cessories that have more than five sugars in them can also be pruned from your diet, particularly sweet fruits such as. This pruning needs to be done with the substitution of fresh fruit. Many fresh fruits are loaded with sugar, but apples, oranges, pineapples and bananas are still better than dried fruits.

When it comes to losing weight, one of the worst things you can do is cut out desserts. In an article on desserts called When Obesity Pills fails, the author explains whyit is virtually impossible to lose weight without artificial sweeteners.Dissolving ice cream into a creamy milkshake is a perfect example of how artificial sweeteners negatively affect a weight loss system.

These and many other examples could fill many pages in a book such as Lowmonds’ wellness guide, but the upshot is this: drinks, foods and snacks should all be avoided.

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