Food List – Vegetarian Foods

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As more and more people are becoming vegetarian, the number of those who are declining to eat meat continues to grow. This is because they realize that the quantity of meat-eaters is really not that large and gradually they are opting to stop eating meat altogether. This naturally causes the question: what are vegetarian foods?

Vegetarian foods can be grouped into three categories: lacto-ovo vegetarianism and lacto-vegetarianism. Long-time vegetarians, who include Yourself counts as lacto-vegetarians. These people don’t eat meat, fish or eggs but consume milk and eggs as part of a lacto-ovo diet. On the other hand, west of the Mississippi River, the hard-core vegetarian remains to be lacto-vegetarian. These people not only don’t eat meat or fish but also consume milk and eggs.

The second category is referred to as lacto-ovo diet. In this group, the leading diet is once a week consumption of fish, rice and vegetables. The diet also includes olive oil and other nuts, legumes, soy and sugar, flaxseed and walnuts, and avocados. These foods are commonly eaten as a single or coupled with other foods, 30 percent of the vegetarian total diet.

The diet also includes a fair amount of consumption of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps to reduce cholesterol 25 percent and thus plays a role in preventing heart disease. The diet also includes a low amount of fat, 80-90 percent of the total fat intake comes from dairy products, not taken from meat or eggs. alcohol is taken in small amounts.

Some interesting recent research findings:

O The beneficial effects of olive oil, bit by bit, against heart disease have been realized. An Italian study showed that a Mediterranean diet with high olive oil and mono-unsaturated fats reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.

O The most commonly identified cancers are colon cancer and prostate cancer. The second-lowest cancer causing substances are fibrocystic breast disease and stomach ulcers.

O Smoking contributes to 13 per cent of cancers worldwide.iveness of the human body, the other 23 per cent is caused by environmental factors, such as smoking.

O Horizon Research predicted that by 2020, people will be able to smoke. The disease is currently estimated to cause 4.7 million new cases of cancer a year.

O The most common cause of death is cancer, and the survival rates for breast cancer are better than for other females.

O Studies have shown that drinking tea might help prevent some cancers. One study titled “browning of tea extract” showed that drinking four cups of tea a day can reduce the risk of lung cancer by between Dec 2006 and Dec 2008.

O The chance of suffering from a heart attack is 1 in 3 Americans.

O The risk of having the second most stomach ulcers is reduced if you drink lemon juice regularly.

O Eat at least one vegetarian meal a week.

O Have a diet full of low fat dairy products, such as soy yogurt.

O Avoid fast foods.

O Use correct food cutters.

O Choose foods low in fat and salt.

O Use margarine or other low fat dairy products.

O Maintain a healthy weight.

O Use foods with few sugars.

O Thoroughly cook beans and lentils.

O Make sure that you know what is in any canned goods before you eat them.

O Avoid junky foods.

O Take extra care when eating out.

O If you are not eating organic food, buy organic whenever you can.

O Buy a basket or container for your produce so that you can use the entire basket. Sure, you will eat less, but healthier.

O Choose a name for your food something that you want to stimulate thought: apple pie, fat free lasagna, gluten-free rice lasagna.

O Make sure that you know what kinds of fruits and vegetables belong to which groups: the vegetables that are light green or white, the ones that are yellow, the ones that are Orange, the sweet, the bitter.

O You can begin to use your imagination. Imagine the country house where everyone is allowed to eat only vegetables and fruits that are grown organically, and then one day you see a sign in an agriculture book advertising a class of vegetables grown organically. You are totally amazed because you have always thought that vegetables and fruit grown organically looked much better than those traditionally grown. In fact, at that time you find that the subsequently eaten vegetables and fruit are much tastier and better-looking than those traditionally grown.

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