Don’t Forget To Hydrate!

The FactsWhat element unites every living thing on this planet? That’s right, water! The human body is made up of about 60% water and this water is essential to the functioning of every organ and process in the body. Water helps to rid the body of toxins, as well as flushes out waste matter and bacteria. definition and levels of water used in the body depends on many factors such as age, gender, body size and activity level, but the average should be no less than 8 glasses a day. More is certainly needed for larger individuals and athletes as their body requires more water each day than smaller people and endurance athletes.

Why Do You Need Water?

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O Water Hydrate – Use the formula for 2% body water: Acuprate = (6.8 x weight in kg) / (80 x height in cm)

O Eliminate Waste Process – Use the formula for 4% body waste: Acuprate = (6.8 x weight in kg) / (80 x height in cm) x filler1

O refuel – The body uses 2% body fat for normal activities and 4% body fat for exercise and repair. Water is needed to carry nutrients around the body and also for the body to run off of stored fuel.

How Much Water Do You Need?

O Use the below as a guideline, please drink accordingly:

O Active Men – 10-13%o Very active Women – 9-11%o Light Activities – 7%o heavier Activities – 10-11 %

O Longer Workouts – 11-15%

O shorter 8000 kcal Sedentary – 16.5 g – 17 k / kg – 5 secs

O intermediate level activity – 15-17 k / kg – 8 secs

O light office / house visits – 9 k / kg – compact

O very light office / house visits – 8 k / kg – easy

O very active – 17 k / kg – 11 secs

O Hard activities – 12 k / kg – 15 secs

O coarse activities – 2 k / kg – 4 secs

O very coarse activities – 4 k / kg – 5 secs

Remember, your body needs water to function most efficiently. Whether in a hot climate or physically exerting yourself, your body needs to be properly hydrated.

Importance of Water in the Body

Here are a few benefits of consuming water that has been deduced by scientific research:

1. Helps lose weight. Research has proven that taking water before doing strenuous exercise will induce sweating and eating less. This means that water depletion is lowered and body energy is increased. The weight loss is noticed faster than otherwise and the body keeps working to detoxify itself and rid itself of the toxins that were stored.

2. Water is needed to keep skin healthy. The outer layer of skin is largely composed of water. When the outer layer is dry, it gets damaged and can’t function the way that it was made to. Dry skin can lead to many other problems, and aren’t fun to keep going throughout the day!

3. Water metabolizes the fat that’s inside of you. More and more research is showing that just by drinking water, you can melt fat away from your body. Fat is ounces and ounces of built up flab that is stored inside of your body. Every day, the body pumps hormones into the body that tell your fat to be removed from your body. But any disruption in your body’s internal workings will cause the hormones to error and the fat to remain. By drinking water, the body stays hydrated to help clear the toxins that are stored as fat.

4. Water works to prevent the toxins that cause blemishes and acne from staying in your body. Water acts as a natural hair conditioner that can help replace hair lost with time.

5. Water is essential for energy. Hard abdominals, lack of weight loss and lethargy can all be cue signals that your body needs to replenish your natural water levels.

6. When you’re feeling dizzy or nauseous, your body is most likely dehydrated. Most people don’t consider that when they have a bad workout they could feel queasy or sick to their stomach on an otherwise healthy diet. The conclusion is that the hard work you’re putting in doesn’t necessarily mean a great workout, but also a loss of natural water levels.

7. Water is a natural antiseptic. Salting your body with sea water is just as effective as any prescription drug to cure illness.

Now that you know the many health benefits of water, it’s just as important as ever to make sure you’re getting the most healthy water possible. Getting sick is a sign of a dehydrated body.

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