Do You Need To Count Calories?

A lot of people love counting calories and the idea ofoming dietitian to help them meet their weight loss goals. However, there are more things you can do than counting calories, and your dietitian would also have to be in a position to suggest a personalized eating plan for you based on the type of diabetes you have and other existing health issues.

I began doing this a few months ago when I learned that McDonald’sHappy Meals contain over 1,000 calories. Iavored pop-tarts can contain up to 500 calories, and they can also have 15 grams of combined sugar and fat. As someone with an IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), I found these meals completely unacceptable.

red apple

I switched to making my own meals and learned that it can take very little time to prepare a healthy meal. One client made vegetable curry that she would grill; it only took 15 minutes and the garlic, ginger, and veggies were done.

Another client made a cream of broccoli soup that was very healthy and very easy (especially since prepared in the food processor). She made it into 4 portions (about 1 pound) and took half to work. It only cost her about $3 total and it made a full serving.

I could go on and on.

How about dessert? Now, I don’t enjoy eating cake, or ice cream, or sweet treats. However, I don’t want to be eating 4 or 5 portions of it for dinner. I’ve come up with some creative ideas, like the client who makes her own guilt-free apple crumble since her apple crumble never turns out the same way each and every time.

Or there are quick healthy alternatives that make it fast and easy:

Cravings are powerful and the best way to fight them is with willpower.However, you may need outside help if you really want to beat those cravings. willpower is just a nice feeling if you want something but not having to make it yourself means effort and time.

Here is a summary of the things you should consider:

1) Call your doctor and have a medical check up.

For really serious medical conditions you may require a prescription for antidiarrhea medication. Your health care provider will know you need to take your medications regularly or face medication side effects like constipation and diarrhea. Recent medical research indicates that taking three or more antidiarrhea medications can cause your intestines to bloat and cause a medical problem called diverticulitis.

2) Check your blood pressure and take it under your doctor’s care.

Medical experts say that anyone with high blood pressure should take medication to maintain the proper blood pressure; however, some individuals are able to maintain a good pressure using healthy and safe alternatives such as a salt water solution or brine shaker. My first choice would definitely not be a salt shaker which tastes rancid by the time it gets to you.

3) Report any abdominal pain to your doctor.

Chronic abdominal pain is medically referred to as functional abdominal pain syndrome (FBS). It is different than the traditional pain of an acupuncture needle, physical or real. FBS has no relation to the physical pain of facet Stress, orthopedic disorders or headaches.inal inflammations.

4) It is not normal to be hungry.

I was shocked when I was in a personal relationship a few years back to learn that my husband was deceived into thinking that I was starving him due to his allergies, when in fact, I was just feeding him. Nothing gets figguing in. Apparently, a portion of our behavior is learned, and with the passage of time, it lost its novelty. All of a sudden, we wereuddle with each other on the couch, snacking on the watch and talking about nothing under the sun.

5) Get more sunlight.

Most of us are not going to be shot at noon for vitamin D deficiency. If you still have a problem, get to 50 hours of sunshine 3-4 times a week between September and mid-April. It’s not the sun that makes you sensitive. It’s the immune system. When your body senses increased blood pressure, cortisol (the stress hormone) is released to balance things out. Of course, you probably don’t want to go swimming in chlorinated pools all day, but a safe, bright surface or window (not dark) works wonders. If the weather is dangerous or you are staying in a heated space, you can make your own sun block (It does not smell or taste good), or just do it inside.

6) Do not smoke.

It is not uncommon for people who do not believe in smoking addiction to believe that smokers have a rigorous exercise program. This is untrue. Research has proven that smokers just lie on the couch,Unleashed.

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