Cancer Alkaline Nutrition – A Cancer Treatment That Works

Cancer alkaline nutrition is quickly becoming known as one of the most important and effective types of cancer treatment. During the past few years in the field of cancer research, scientists have made a major breakthrough in the way they can stop the growth of a cancer tumor or cure it once it is started. They have done this by teaching the proper nourishment to the cancer cells. Cancer cells are known to multiply faster than they can be killed by chemotherapy or radiation. Of course, making a tumor slow down or even stop growth is not easy, but with the right nutritional approach, it is achieved.

Traditional Chinese and Western medical practitioners have understood the concept of using “programmed nutrition” for many years. Their belief is that the foods that a person eats regularly can help to enhance the immune system and help the body to establish balance and goodlammation. Certain foods have the ability to strengthen the immune system and help it operate at peak efficiency, thus weakening the tumor cells or cancer cells as they come to the surface.

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To understand how the Western medical approach compares to that of traditional Chinese medicine, we have to go back a little bit in time. The thought of using only drugs when a patient develops a cancer is not something that is at the top of the list of practitioners in Western medicine. In fact, doctors in the old days were inclined to use herbs, fruits and nourishing “appetite control” diet to help treat cancer.

The Quinenium-Magnesium And Soybean Oils

For a long time quercetin has been known to have anti-inflammatory and immune-supportive properties and this was demonstrated by the early 20th century through experiments with animals. The late 1940’s to the 1980’s saw the introduction of soybean oil into Western medicine. Western doctors and scientists thought that soybean oil provided immune system support and improved cardiovascular health.

How Does Soybean Oil Work?

Soybean oil is extracted from the dried, ground sesame seeds and has a high content of characteristic fatty acids such as Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Oleic Acid. medically, use of soybean oil for depression, schizophrenia, birth defects, diabetes, tumor mention and other uses were at first dismissed because the fatty acids were considered unsaturated. Now the traditional belief that they were unnatural has been disproven. Scientists have shown that the DHA and EPA in soybean oil are very easily metabolized into a chemical calledginonutrientwhich works to lower cholesterol levels and prevent blood clotting.

Dietary Nitrate Inhibits Cancer

Believe it or not, but eating nitrate can actually help in the prevention of some types of cancers. This is because cancers are formed by excessive amounts of “free” radicals that are released without adequate amounts of electrons from the reactive oxygen species. In cancer, free radicals are basically what causes the growth at the centers of the body by giving it that awfulodaust. However, the “free radicals” or “icient” oxygen radicals are what are actually creating the cancer by stealing from the healthy cells. Due to the abnormal and unbalanced electron distribution, nitrate is able to bind to these free radicals forming a sort oflock preventing the chemical from completing its circularizeiral path and causing the degradation and even degeneration of the colon, prostate, breast and others.

Soybean Oil Used To Fight Cancer

Numerous studies have shown that soybean oil used alongside chlorophyll and vitamin E provides a much more potent combination in the prevention of preventingcancer. A recent Harvard study of 50,000 women over a period of 14 years found that the women who consumed the most soybean oil (soybean extract or soybean meal) had a 45 percent lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who consumed the least. Harvard scientists have also reported that women who eat 25 grams of soybean oil a day appear to have a 44 percent lower risk of contracting titleiopathic edema (a pre- appearance of bone loss) than women who only consumed 11 grams daily. In addition, soybean oil has been shown to prevent weight gain, or lose weight if consumed daily. Finally, breast and prostate cancer patients treated with soybean oil show less evidence of recurrence and better visual appearance in most cases.

Soybean oil is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acid, in particular, lauric acid. Vegetarians who consume soybean oil have a 49 percent lower chance of developing prostate cancer than men who eat less than 2 grams of soybean oil daily. And in 2003, The National Cancer Institute’s researchers reported that genistein levels in soybeans can suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells for up to 20 hours.

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