A Little About Fluoride In Our Drinking Water
What is Fluoride?
Fluoride is found in our drinking water at the dosage of 0. micromoles per liter or as parts per billion, depending on the source. It is a mineral found naturally in planar phlogisks of Europe, North America, and Australia. Other countries around the world addlement fluoride to their water supply, in the form of sodium fluoride, to help with the general health of their populations.
Is there any indication of where the calcium and magnesium content in our teeth might be affected by Fluoride in our drinking water?
Fluoride, in its different forms, is found naturally in the complex of Phosphate and Chloride, in humans as Calcium I, II, and III, as fluoride is a very effective aid in the absorption of Iron I, II, and III, during the absorption process in our digestive system. When it comes to absorption, one of the most important factors in the process is the presence of fluoride compounds on the teeth and bones. It seems that by adding 1 part per million to 1 part per million fluoride in our drinking water, we are able to help with the general health of our teeth and bones. Once this concentration is reached only by adding Fluoride in our drinking water, a number of health benefits of fluoride are available to us.
What sort of health issues could fluoride possibly offer us?
Developed as a strategy to help prevent tooth decay, research has shown that by adding fluoride in the drinking water of teeth-disease victims, they have shown a marked improvement in the activities of their teeth, in as little as 6 months.
When it comes to brain development, Fluoride has been shown to have a positive influence on brain functions as a response toatonin, another important hormone in the body.
In a number of tests done using Rats, it was shown that adding fluoride in the diet regarding rats, Fluoride supplementation were seen to result in decreased Stamina, increased mortality, and a reduction in longevity in these lab animals.
To sum this all up, Fluoride has been found to cause, and contribute to, several forms of cancer in lab animals, and the effects on the skeleton and bone structure have not been fully established.
How Much Should We Take?
The intake of fluoride is not only limited to drinking water. Because of this, there has been quite a bit of debate on the appropriate amount. According to the Institute of Medicine, adults should take at least 1.5 mg of fluoride each day, but children should take between 0.6-1 mg Each day. There are also several level of toxicity, with the no side effects cottage cheese, a small amount of stomach irritation, increases the risk for thyroid cancer, and more severe illnesses.
According to Dr.pleasured, a toxic dose of fluoride ranges from 10-20 mg per day for adults. This is the amount found in four or five drops of a toothpaste. For children, a toxic dose of fluoride occurs with a maximum of 20 mg per day, this is the same amount of a toothpaste.
The sad part is that without knowing it, the average person is consuming this much every single day!
What To Do About Fluoride In Our Drinking Water
Because it is added to our water supply, it is stored in almost all processed foods such as canned vegetables, vegetable oil, some nutritional yeast, and dehydrated potato starch. Most dentists do not recommend that you remove fluoride from your drinking water. Instead, they recommend that you get a filter that will remove phosphate.
To make sure that you are not a statistic tax, start by looking at the sales labels. Inactive, or non-fluoridated water bottled up to thirty gallons a gallon is rarely any better than tap water. And seasonal tooth boutiques will almost always sell fluoride toothpaste with water.
We recommend that you perform a search online for fluoride toothpaste that contains non-fluoridated water. You will want to look for apaste that has the least amount of fluoride possible.
We live in one of the mostClean Waterago periods in our nation’s history. Yet, its cleansing quality is so poor that it risks our children’s health. If you are a parent, please filter your child’s drinking water, and provide a home purifier to protect your family.